Late last year I began to take up cooking. Not as feed-myself-obtain-sustenance type of cooking but really learning how to cook.
I've been able to cook for several years. My mother made sure that i wouldn't starve when I got my first apartment. I can get myself through most recipes without too much damage to the kitchen (Shelly, my lovely wife, may beg to differ on this point). But I felt like I didn't know the fundamentals of cooking. The how and whys of cooking seemed lost to me. Cookbooks didn't help. They were full of recipes but no answers to the questions that I had.
One day, was reading The Amateur Gourmet and Adam mentioned that Tom Colicchio learned to cook from Pepin's "La Technique" and "La Méthode", not at a culinary school. Adam also mentioned that those two books had been combined and released as "Complete Techniques". At that point I had a flash of inspiration, (Adam also had the same inspiration) I would work my way through all 309 techniques in the book. If it was good enough for Tom Colicchio, its good enough for me.
So as a part of this blog, I will be chronicling my adventures as I try each of the techniques (including the one on brains). I will not be working them in order, though I will be emphasizing the techniques in The Basics first. I usually only have time for these pursuits on the weekend, so the postings will come about once a week.

I've been able to cook for several years. My mother made sure that i wouldn't starve when I got my first apartment. I can get myself through most recipes without too much damage to the kitchen (Shelly, my lovely wife, may beg to differ on this point). But I felt like I didn't know the fundamentals of cooking. The how and whys of cooking seemed lost to me. Cookbooks didn't help. They were full of recipes but no answers to the questions that I had.
One day, was reading The Amateur Gourmet and Adam mentioned that Tom Colicchio learned to cook from Pepin's "La Technique" and "La Méthode", not at a culinary school. Adam also mentioned that those two books had been combined and released as "Complete Techniques". At that point I had a flash of inspiration, (Adam also had the same inspiration) I would work my way through all 309 techniques in the book. If it was good enough for Tom Colicchio, its good enough for me.
So as a part of this blog, I will be chronicling my adventures as I try each of the techniques (including the one on brains). I will not be working them in order, though I will be emphasizing the techniques in The Basics first. I usually only have time for these pursuits on the weekend, so the postings will come about once a week.
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